Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Back to Africa

Well, I made it back home to Africa safe and sound.  We will be leaving early in the morning for Mozambique.  For the first three days we will be staying at the Swedish Centre for street children near Maputo.  We will be doing some ministry with the children Thursday morning and possibly in the evening as well.  Friday we will be visiting Zimpeto Orphanage, a part of Iris Ministries.  We will be given a tour of the facility and then will be allowed to eat lunch with the children.  Saturday we pack up and leave for Bilene, Mozambique.  There we will be staying at Laguna Camp.  We will be going to two churches in the area on Sunday and visiting a primary school on Monday.  Tuesday, we begin the journey back to South Africa.  We will be stopping in White River at the Karula Hotel.  Early Wednesday morning we will get up and head to Kruger National Park where we will hopefully see lots of animals.  Thursday, we head back home to Krugersdorp.  I am sure I will have lots of stories to share with you when I return.  Please keep us in your prayers as our days are filled with travel.  

We need Your deep love to keep us strong
We need Your truth to show us right from wrong
We need Your sweet peace to keep us calm
We need Your comfort to show us we belong to You

Sometimes we're like a river
Always running from our Source
But when we wonder why we're almost runnin' dry

You restore us and return us to our course

Sometimes we get so desperate
Straying further from the fold
But when it seems that we're losing all our dreams
There's a Shepherd with a loving hand to hold

Forgive us Lord
For thinking we can make it without You in this world

We're so foolish
Sometimes we're like a fortress
With our walls built all around
But then Your love comes shining down from above
And we stand and watch our walls come tumbling down

Lyrics of "Deep Love" by Petra

Sunday, March 21, 2010

This amazing town called London

   It's so hard to believe that two weeks have already passed.  I suppose it falls under the "time flies when you're having fun" category.  The past two weeks have been absolutely amazing.  Well, except for the first few days when I thought I was going to end up with bronchitis.  That ended pretty amazing as well.  I have no doubt that God touched my body to speed along my recovery.  
   Along with some sightseeing, we were given the opportunity to do Bible lessons for the kids of two different churches, both African though.  Last Sunday, the 14th, I had the opportunity to teach the children about using God's Word as their sword, their weapon when the enemy begins to attack them.  I had a first that afternoon.  I felt a tremendous burden that something I was saying was very specific to someone.  I was telling them that if someone tries to tell them that they are ugly and worthless they can combat that by reciting Psalm 139:14-16.  I've not had many opportunities to preach (outside of class) so it was a pretty amazing feeling.  Also that afternoon, though we were in the Kids church room, we could hear the worship of the adults.  I could hear the songs they were singing and they reminded me of things we had sung in the African churches.  Missing Africa hit me like a ton of bricks.  I know that I will miss London as well.  
   Montana and I have had a conversation recently about how we've been blessed and our hearts touched more so by the place that we didn't choose for our field assignment.  I chose Budapest, but have been blessed beyond measure here in London.  Montana chose London, but she feels like Hungary is home.  Does this mean that I will end up in London?  Only God knows.  I certainly wouldn't bat an eye though. =)  Being in London has felt like a dream come true, but I can honestly say that I do feel completely at home here.  
   One of our first days here Montana and I went into the city and split up to do our own thing for a while.  I had found a company London Walks to do a tour with.  I chose to do the "Shakespeare's and Dickens' London - the Old City" walk.  It was absolutely wonderful!  It was so neat to be able to walk along places that these great men had walked and even see a few things that they saw.  We walked along a few streets where Dickens has set his stories.  Somehow, that morning I left the house without my camera.  I realized this after we had gotten on the train headed into the city.  Though there were things that I wish I could have taken pictures of, it allowed me to just absorb and enjoy.  Not that I don't enjoy photography, don't be mistaken there, but it does use up quite a bit of my focus.  In a way, I think that set the tone for my time here in London.  I was pretty surprised yesterday when it dawned on me that I just haven't taken that many pictures here.  Well, at least not many for me.  I have come to the conclusion that I simply must return to London so that I can walk around for a few days with the sole objective of photography.  
   Oh, I can't believe I forgot one of the completely amazing things that we had the opportunity to do...  We went to (Are you ready for this?) Hillsong London!!  The picture here is what was showing on the screen when we walked in.  I thought it was perfect.

God, your thoughts are precious to me.
       They are so many!
If I could count them,
       they would be more than all the grains of sand.
    When I wake up,
       I am still with you.

Psalm 139:17-18 (NCV)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Hungarian Rhapsody

So much has happened since the last blog.  I keep telling myself that I need to update more often, but when I have time to sit down and write I end up finding other things to do.  During our last week in Hungary, Montana and I went into Budapest one day on our own to go exploring.  We had a great time walking around and looking like complete tourists!  :)  We only got fussed at by local authorities a few times...  From wanting to take a picture of the US embassy to climbing up too far on a statue.  
We also were able to spend a couple more mornings at the school next door.  I truly believe that we might have helped to open some doors into that school so that further ministry can be worked.  The students were great.  I really wish we had been able to stay there a bit longer.  The school was having a special week of seminars and activities that kept the students busy.  I suppose that really worked out in our favor though.  The classes were only 30 minutes long so we were given free reign to talk to them during class.  We also had the opportunity to hear traditional Hungarian folk music as well as see folk dances.  Finally, on Thursday and Friday we were able to invite the students over to the RDC coffee house after school.  The few who came could possibly have brought more if we had been there longer, but maybe this will be an open door for the Fannins.  
Oh yes, I promised to tell you of the costume party on Friday night.  It was quite interesting.... I suppose if we had been able to speak the language it might have been a bit more fun.  We stood over to the side and very few people even attempted to talk with us.  I'm sure that I probably would have had more fun if I hadn't had a horrible sinus headache.  I went upstairs early but from what I could hear they were still going strong after 1 am.  I promised to post a picture, so here it is.  I'm posing with Erik, one of our friends from the school.  I was glad that I could create a costume of things that I already had with me.  
Saturday we were able to go back into Budapest one last time.  We went up to the Citadel and saw an amazing panoramic view of the city.  I've got a few pictures of that as well.  Afterwards, we took Krisztina out for lunch to thank her for putting up with us.  Then when we got home we started the packing sequence once again.  The joys of travel....
I think rather than making this a huge blog I'll end here and begin a new one with London.  

Monday, March 1, 2010

Waltzing along the Blue Danube...

These crazy languages I'm being exposed to are killin me!  I can't just log on to Google and do a quick search without making sure that it's in English.  It's pretty cool though, really.  I absolutely LOVE the architecture here in Hungary.  I feel like I can't do it justice with my photography, but I sure want to try!  
I still find myself wanting to pinch myself at times just to make sure this is all really real.  I have just spent 6 weeks in South Africa and now I'm spending 4 in Europe and then going back to Africa!  Never in a million years did I think this would become my life.  God is so amazing.  The stories I've heard over these past two months have done nothing but inspire me.  I must be honest with you, I have been humbled by so many and blessed at the same time.  I knew this would be a life-changing experience, but I had no idea what I would see, hear and who I would meet.  Please, keep praying.  I am having a wonderful time and know that God's hand is guiding every step.
Since arriving in Hungary, Montana and I have had the chance to do some sight-seeing.  Today, we went to the school that is right across the street to talk to the students who are studying the English language.  We had the opportunity to make some new friends and will enjoy cultivating those friendships this week.  Tomorrow we are scheduled to go to a homeless shelter and minister.  We will be going back to school on Wednesday and Thursday.  Man, I can honestly say it was fun but I certainly don't want to go back to high school!  Teenagers are teenagers no matter where you are.  Even though, I am so glad we've got this opportunity.  Friday night, we'll be going to a costume party.  I'm kinda excited, I've come up with a pretty cool costume (with Montana & Krisztina's help) from things I already had.  I'll be sure to post pictures.  
So....  On Sunday the church here in Szigetszentmiklos had not only two American visitors, but a group of Gypsies were visiting.  They did the worship and their pastor gave the message.  The service was absolutely amazing.  (Add one more culture to the list of those experienced on this trip!)  After service, we ate lunch at the church.  The Gypsies as well as me and Montana.  I'm not sure if it was simply because we are "exotic" Americans or what, but we were a bit of a novelty, especially among a few of the guys.  **Email me and I'll tell you more, it was quite an interesting meal!**  
Love you all, I pray that God will continue to bless your lives!

I am sure of this, that He who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
Philippians 1:6 (HCSB)